How can I get a Residency in Malaysia
How can I get a residency in Malaysia?
Having granted a permanent residency in Malaysia, an individual is given a green light to perform the following:
- Establish or acquire a company in Malaysia
- Secure a job in Malaysia without the need of a work permit
- Move in and out of Malaysia freely without the need of a visa
- Purchase a property in Malaysia and get a maximum 90% loan
- Receive public health services in Malaysia
An individual with a permanent resident status however is not allowed to participate in any political activities, including voting during an election. The Malaysian government has the authority to revoke the status if an individual is found violating the term.
4 Ways to Obtain Permanent Residency in Malaysia
- Investing in a local project
Becoming an investor of a Malaysian project shows that an individual is contributing to the advancement of the country. The individual is required to have a fixed deposit account with an amount not less than USD 2 million in any Malaysian bank.
- Providing professional services
Foreign experts from various fields are much sought after by the Malaysian government in hope of bettering the country with more competent skills and techniques. A proficient individual however should have at least 3 years of work experience in Malaysia prior to the application of becoming a permanent resident.
- Marrying a Malaysian citizens
Tying a knot with a Malaysian does not automatically equal to obtain a permanent resident status. The foreign spouse needs to live in Malaysia for 5 consecutive years before an application can take place.
- Scoring sufficient points
The Malaysian government has a unique point-based system to evaluate the eligibility of an individual in becoming a permanent resident. The assessment elements include age, academic qualification, Bahasa Malaysia proficiency, work experience, among others.
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